A note about the logo...

As I've just uploaded the official logo for KKB Metal Studio, I wanted to share a little of the story behind not only the use of my initials for the business name, but also the incorporation of the heart image into the logo.

Years ago, a co-worker decided that my full name was simply too long to say and write.  There was also often another Kristen working within the same channel of business, so I was referred to as KKB from that point forward.  What can I say, it stuck.  Onto the logo...

During a doodle session, I discovered that when my initials were abstracted, they came together to form a heart.  Heart imagery has frequently been a subject matter that I've explored in my art, and given my prior health issues, it resonated deeply.

You see, I was born with a heart birth defect.  It went undiagnosed until I was four months old.  Once confirmed, I was able to have corrective surgery, and I've been very fortunate to not have ongoing heart issues since.  This did, however, mean my children would also have an increased risk for heart defects.  Fortunately, I have two amazing and healthy children, but our middle child passed away shortly after birth due to multiple birth defects, including those of the heart.  The way I see it, I'm pretty darn lucky to be alive, especially given the fact that medical imagery didn't offer very many options back in the mid-70's.

So after many months and iterations of the various combinations of initials, I landed on a design that I was happy with and it was time to move forward with creating the logo.  I'm incredibly grateful to the team at The Matchbox Studio in Dallas for taking my very rough sketch and transforming it into the logo you see here, as well as helping pull together a comprehensive brand vision that I'm very excited to share soon.